To increase communities involvement in mitigating climate change, support from local governments is very crucial not only as facilitator but also as finance providers. Local Government in developing countries can create umbrella program for communities througout the country to implement small scale mitigation project activities, such as Programmatic CDM.

The UNEP Risoe Centre (URC) for Energy, Climate and Sustainable

The paper begins with a detailed analysis of the various elements of food security, then it describes the various policy and programme restructurings and interventions to meet the challenges and constraints encounted and highlights the ongoing and additional efforts needed for achieving the Millennium Development Goals.

Walking is the most ancient mode of transport but in this automobile age, walking is often the most neglected mode. There is a tendency to underestimate the pedestrian infrastructure needs when compared to the needs of the motorists. The situation has come to such a state that daily at least one pedestrian is killed on Bangalore roads.

The IFQC has ranked the top 100 countries based on benzene limits in gasoline.

At the simplest level, weather is what is happening to the atmosphere at any given time. Climate is a measure of what to expect in any month, season or year, and is arrived at using statistics built up from observations over many years.

Moving towards Copenhagen, governments party to the UNFCCC are preparing plans that will include forests in a global framework for addressing climate change mitigation.

The equitable and sustainable allocation and management of water are crucial for maintaining the ecological function of freshwater water ecosystems. These functions sustain the significant services that these ecosystems provide to support human well-being; biodiversity underpins the functioning of these

An invasive alien species is one which has been introduced by human activity to a new geographic area or ecosystem outside of its natural distribution range, and which has then established and spread threatening ecosystems, habitats and/or other species, and potentially causing economic and/or environmental damage, or harm to human health.

This policy paper is devised with intent of creating a framework for regulating and co-coordinating programs as well as actions by various stakeholders such that there is increased comfort, convenience and safety to the pedestrians and their movement.
