The FAO document on the key challenges to seed security in developing countries. It contributes to and develops the seed security-related aspects of FAO

The Second Green Revolution for Sustainable Livelihood of Small Farmers is a Concept Paper developed by BAIF, based on its experience while working with small farmers and weaker sections of the society particularly tribals, across rural India. The aim is to create nationwide awareness among farmers, extension

By 2015, halve the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. The world, except sub-Saharan Africa, is on track to meet the target of halving the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water while at the current rate will miss the MDG sanitation target by over 700 million people.

Energy plays a vital role in the development of any economy and given its unequal distribution trade in energy, especially fossil fuels, is an important component of international trade. In the past, due to its public good characteristics, energy-related services were mostly supplied by the government. With liberalization and globalization the sector underwent

This year's report, entitled "Breaking in and moving up: New industrial challenges for the bottom billion and the middle-income countries" focuses on countries that have been left behind.

This report presents the concerns and observations of a wide range of organisations about the impact of climate change on the most vulnerable members of society. The broad platform is one of shared concern. Specific policy recommendations, though, remain those of the individual organisations operating in their particular field of competence.

Technology plays an important role in determining how energy is produced, delivered, and consumed. In the future, it is expected to play an equally important role in enabling society to secure
its energy system while reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). But it is unclear what mix of technologies holds the greatest promise for simultaneously addressing climate change

This manual provides the materials needed to deliver a basic training in access and benefit sharing (ABS) of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge as provided for under the Convention on Biological Diversity.

The Nordic countries have agreed on a common target to halt the decline in biodiversity by 2010. This report aims at evaluating the 2010-target by presenting indicators that can describe trends in biodiversity in the Nordic countries. The results comprise the most comprehensive documentation of land use in the Nordic countries to date.

This document addresses the potential impacts of climatic change on the aquaculture sector and to a lesser extent the contribution of aquaculture to climate change. In order
to achieve these objectives, the status of this subsector in relation to the total food fish supply, recent changes therein and other related aspects are analysed with a view to
