New agricultural development pathways are required to meet climate change adaptation and mitigation needs in the food systems of low-income countries. A research and policy agenda is provided to indicate where innovation and new knowledge are needed.

This paper analyses data from a household-level survey of 980 agricultural and fishing households in seven sites across southern Bangladesh. It examine the relationship between assets, livelihood strategies, food security and farming practice changes. These households are coping with huge demographic, economic, and environmental changes.

The policy brief, titled "Recalibrating food production in the developing world: global warming will challenge more than just the climate," notes that climate impacts are more complex than simply heat and water tolerance for plants, and that there are feedback cycles in how natural resource are managed and their resilience to climate change.

As developing countries prepare commitments to mitigation activities in agriculture, investments should be guided by a thorough understanding of the appropriate incentives to encourage farmers to innovate and adopt new mitigation practices.

This report contains information on a rapid field assessment of Boran pastoralists of southern Ethiopia to: (1) gauge local communities’ perceptions of the need for local climate change adaptation strategies and their degree of satisfaction with existing interventions; (2) identify emerging climate risk adaptation strategies; and (3) evaluate

The document attempts to distil what is currently known about the likely impacts of climate change on the commodities and natural resources that comprise the mandate of CGIAR and its 15 Centres.

There is growing recognition that successful adaptation of agricultural production systems to changes in climate will depend upon the improved access to, and use of, genetic diversity.

Understanding the cost associated with climate change adaptation interventions in agriculture is important for mobilizing institutional support and providing timely resources to improve resilience and adaptive capacities.

The Commission on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change has released its final report proposing policy responses to the challenges of feeding a world confronted with climate change, population growth, poverty, fluctuating food prices and degraded ecosystems.

Climate finance provides an opportunity to facilitate the adoption of agricultural practices that support climate mitigation and adaptation.
