Although recently published research addresses a range of issues relating to the corn ethanol lifecycle, much attention has focused on the result that corn ethanol production has a significantly better emissions profile than the U.S.

This working paper assesses the potential for Germany to meet the transport sector targets set by the European Union's recast Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) using advanced, non-food-based fuels.

This study assesses the fuel efficiency of U.S. airlines on domestic operations in 2017 and 2018. Revenue passenger miles (RPMs) increased 10% and departures increased by 4% from 2016 to 2018. Fuel efficiency in terms of RPMs per gallon of fuel consumed improved by 3%.

In 2017, Mayor Anne Hidalgo of Paris and Mayor Saddiq Khan of London jointly committed to making data on real-world vehicle pollutant emissions available to residents of those cities.

This study provides information to policymakers in Nigeria to support a transition to soot-free road transport and maximize its net societal benefits. The transition is important because the health burden from air pollution in Nigeria is significant and growing.

This paper summarizes and compares the two main test methods for aerodynamic evaluations of heavy trucks in the United States and the European Union: coastdown testing and constant-speed testing, respectively.

This paper analyzes the capital costs of the electric vehicle charging infrastructure needed for public, workplace, and home charging for the most populous 100 metropolitan areas in the United States from 2019 through 2025. The 100 metropolitan areas analyzed represent 88% of all new electric vehicles sold and 75% of the overall U.S.

This paper quantifies the infrastructure needs and associated costs for implementing battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell trucks in three applications: long-haul intercity tractor-trailers, drayage trucks, and medium-duty delivery trucks.

This briefing provides an overview of CO2 emission levels of new passenger cars in the European Union in 2018 based on a preliminary dataset recently released by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The dataset showed that new cars sold in the EU in 2018 had average CO2 emissions of 121 g CO2/km, 2g/km higher than in 2017.

Brazil’s advanced biofuel industry lags far behind the production capacity of its first-generation biofuel industry.
