The JustJobs network has released its research report on the link between climate change and livelihoods

BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), BRAC University has launched its annual flagship research report State of Cities (SoC) 2015 titled ‘Solid Waste Management in Dhaka City--Towards Decentralised Governance’. The study has captured constraints in addressing the city's solid waste problem.

Expedition will have 20 countries and 40 ships participating; countries will collate and analyse data to study different climatic challenges and changes

The employment of a new “worm index” of human development, together with additional published health information, confirms the important role neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) play in hindering the advancement of many of the world’s Muslim-majority countries.

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Using the Climate Disaster Resilience Index (CDRI), this study measures climate disaster resilience of Dhaka City in its seven drainage zones - at ward and thana level. The analysis provides a wealth of information that can be used to identify priority sectors in Dhaka for improving disaster resilience.

A government minister asserted that the 1320-megawatt Rampal coal-fired power plant would be commissioned by 2019 although fierce critics on a site visit with him pleaded for halt to make credible

Coal power plants are not the solution to help billions of people without electricity or clean cooking facilities, aid agencies have warned.

Unlike its South Asian neighbours India and Pakistan, Bangladesh is on course to meet the global targets for reducing stunting among children under five.

Environmental enteropathy (EE) is a subclinical enteric condition found in low-income countries that is characterized by intestinal inflammation, reduced intestinal absorption, and gut barrier dysfunction. The researchers aimed to assess if EE impairs the success of oral polio and rotavirus vaccines in infants in Bangladesh. 

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This report provides a systematic review of the evidence to date, both published and grey literature, on the relationship between water and sanitation and nutrition. Also survey the potential impact of improved water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) on undernutrition.
