The Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) is set to release three varieties of Bt Brinjal this year and two other varieties by next year despite controversies regarding its production a

Although more than 90% of Europeans, Japanese and North Americans are aware(Reuters)
Some 40% of adults worldwide have never heard of climate change, a study has found.

Flooding in the country’s southeast caused by incessant rain over the past few days is likely to get worse, weather experts said yesterday.

Public concern about adulterants such as formalin in food, underlies the growing number of enforcement drives we are witnessing to make the food we eat safer.

The population in the mangrove forest is far less than believed, officials say, after a census uses cameras hidden in trees to record numbers

Climate change is a threat to human societies and natural ecosystems, yet public opinion research finds that public awareness and concern vary greatly. Here, using an unprecedented survey of 119 countries, we determine the relative influence of socio-demographic characteristics, geography, perceived well-being, and beliefs on public climate change awareness and risk perceptions at national scales. Worldwide, educational attainment is the single strongest predictor of climate change awareness.

Reforming fossil fuel subsidies could free up enough funds to finance universal access to water, sanitation, and electricity in many countries, as well as helping to cut global greenhouse-gas emissions.

Thousands of the distressed women living in remote char areas on the Brahmaputra basin have achieved laudable success in the health, hygiene, sanitation and safe drinking water sectors.

Most studies of the causes of diarrhoea in low-income and middle-income countries have looked at severe disease in people presenting for care, and there are few estimates of pathogen-specific diarrhoea burdens in the community. The researchers undertook a birth cohort study with not only intensive community surveillance for diarrhoea but also routine collection of non-diarrhoeal stools from eight sites in South America, Africa, and Asia.

The sensitivity of mosquito vector and dengue virus biology to diurnal temperature variability has been established, but this study is the first analyzing these relations with dengue occurrence. We show that Dhaka’s tropical hot monsoon climate and small variation in daily temperature enhance dengue transmission one month later. Large-scale climatic events like El Niño-Southern Oscillation and increasing population density of Dhaka also increase incidence.
