This discussion paper provides stakeholders in beneficiary countries and donor organizations a holistic way of tackling rural energy access and rural poverty by setting up an integrated infrastructure for energy and income generation.

We identify policies that would provide a solid foundation in key international negotiations to ensure that primary forests persist into the 21st Century. A novel compilation of primary forest cover and other data revealed that protection of primary forests is a matter of global concern being equally distributed between developed and developing countries. Almost all (98%) of primary forest is found within 25 countries with around half in five developed ones (USA, Canada, Russia, Australia, and NZ).

This report presents a taxonomy of drivers of city competitiveness as well as a number of representative case studies of cities. The case studies are drawn from different geographies and varying levels of development that face different challenges and starting points.

The report provides input into the discussions at the 2014 World Water Week in Stockholm, which is held under the theme of Energy and Water. Through six chapters authored by leading thinkers in the field, it presents analysis and diverse perspectives on some of the key opportunities and challenges facing the energy and water communities.

Purchasing power parity revision set to alter poverty estimation; fall won't be so steep once the global poverty line is revised too

On 5 May 2014 the Director-General declared the international spread of wild poliovirus in 2014 a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) under the International Health Regulations [IHR 2005], issued Temporary Recommendations to reduce the international spread of wild poliovirus, and requested a reassessment of this situation by

Global environmental crime is estimated by the United Nations to be worth as much as $213 billion annually. Over $23 billion is attributed to the illegal wildlife trade alone, of which ivory is an important component.

More than 500 million family farms dominate agriculture around the world ensuring food security and providing employment to hundreds of millions of people. Family farms are also essential in safeguarding agro-biodiversity, and

Increasingly the private sector is expected to finance access to modern energy services in developing countries. Yet governments and donors still have much to learn about working with business, while low-income markets are unfamiliar and risky for private investors.

Groundwater is an increasingly important resource for urban and rural potable water supply, irrigated agriculture, and industry, in addition to its natural environmental role of sustaining river flows and aquatic ecosystems.
