Based on data gathered by CDP from corporations in response to its annual request for information on the business implications of climate change, the report finds that large public companies are already advanced in their use of carbon pricing and are ahead of their governments in planning for climate change risks, costs and opportunities.

Press conference to present new UN hunger report – FAO headquarters, 16 September

Includes new figures on the number of hungry people in the world, key lessons from individual countries on food security and nutrition.

On Tuesday 16 September at 10:00h Rome-time, the three Rome-based UN food agencies – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and the UN World Food Programme (WFP) – will launch the new edition of the annual The State of Food Insecurity in the World (SOFI) report.

As world leaders meet in New York later this month at a summit convened by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to discuss the global fight against climate change, a new report highlights the crucial role a new set of Sustainable Development Goals must play in meeting the challenge.

The Trade and Development Report 2014: Global Governance and Policy Space for Development examines recent trends in the global economy, with a focus on growth, trade and commodity prices.

PwC analysis of economic growth rates and greenhouse gas emissions data for G20 economies. PwC’s climate change analysts estimate global economies need to cut their energy related carbon emissions for every $ of GDP by 6.2% every year from now to 2100. That’s more than five times the rate currently achieved.

The purpose of this study is to compare the energy efficiency and CO2-intensity of fossil-fired power generation for Australia, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway aggregated), South Korea, United Kingdom and Ireland (aggregated), and the United States.

Some three billion people — a third of the world's population — are exposed to “toxic amounts” of pollution produced when households burn plant material, animal dung and coal for cooking, lighting

New research demonstrates that for every one tonne of CO2 emissions removed from the atmosphere through carbon offsetting, a further $664 of value is delivered in economic, social and environmental benefits to local communities around the world.

Ahead of Europe’s largest consumer technology show, to be hosted in Berlin, Greenpeace has analysed the environmental progress being made by companies attending the IFA 2014. The report, titled ‘Green Gadgets: Designing the future’, evaluates the progress and subsequent future challenges facing 16 leading consumer technology companies.

India has slipped to 136th position in the list of 198 countries that warn smokers about the hazards of smoking through graphic pictures on cigarette packages.
