Says around 12 million babies in South Asia under the age of one are worst affected

Pollution can permanently damage children’s lungs, along with affecting the brain and lowering intelligence, said this report released by UNICEF. This report which states that children’s IQ and memory is affected by pollution, sampled 17 million babies worldwide. The report further stated that globally 17 million babies live in highly polluted areas and South Asia is home to 12.2 million of them.

Water management is a key development challenge in South Asia. The region - one of the most densely-populated and climate-vulnerable parts of the world - has the world’s fastest growing regional economy and the

A critical question for agricultural production and food security is how water demand for staple crops will respond to climate and carbon dioxide (CO2) changes, especially in light of the expected increases in extreme heat exposure. To quantify the trade-offs between the effects of climate and CO2 on water demand, we use a ‘sink-strength’ model of demand which relies on the vapour-pressure deficit (VPD), incident radiation and the efficiencies of canopy-radiation use and canopy transpiration; the latter two are both dependent on CO2.

Diabetes and high body-mass index (BMI) are associated with increased risk of several cancers, and are increasing in prevalence in most countries. Researchers estimated the cancer incidence attributable to diabetes and high BMI as individual risk factors and in combination, by country and sex.

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Given that smallholder farmers are frequently food insecure and rely significantly on rain-fed agriculture, it is critical to examine climate variability and food insecurity. We utilize data from smallholder farmer surveys from 12 countries with 30 years of rainfall data to examine how rainfall variability and household resources are correlated with food security.

Desert dust over the Indian region during pre-monsoon season is known to strengthen monsoon circulation, by modulating rainfall through the elevated heat pump (EHP) mechanism. In this context, an insight into long term trends of dust loading over this region is of signifcant importance in understanding monsoon variability.

Air pollution exposure is the second most important risk factor for ill health in South Asia, contributing to between 13% and 21.7% of all deaths and approximately 58 million disability adjusted life years (DALYs) through chronic and acute respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses.1 Of the top 30 cities in the world with the poorest air quality in 2016, 17 are in South Asia.2 The impact of air pollution transcends boundaries. The “brown cloud”—caused by pollution from carbon aerosols—is a phenomenon captured in satellite images of atmospheric haze over South Asia, as well as China.

This report focuses on what is now the single biggest cause of child deaths through infectious disease. Pneumonia is a disease of poverty. Fatalities are concentrated in the world’s poorest countries. Within those countries it is the poorest and most disadvantaged children who face the greatest risks.

Mismanagement of waste and wastewater is a key reason behind the continuing environmental pollution and degrading livelihoods across the developing countries of South Asia such as Sri Lanka.
