This paper summarizes the methodological approach, and the results, of a study aimed at assessing the potential for electricity conservation and carbon dioxide emissions reductions in the Brazilian household sector.

Could reviving the ancient technique of charcoal making really solve the global food crisis, halt deforestation and lock up carbon dioxide for good? Chris Goodall sifts fact from myth on biochar.

Integrating gender into climate change policy at the local, national and international levels is of paramount importance. Here Lucia Kiwala, Chief of UN-HABITAT

This latest study focuses on Bangladesh

This report is primarily addressed at policymakers and others concerned about gender and energy issues in India. The ministerial structure as it relates to energy in India is given as an appendix for the benefit of readers both within and outside India. Typically, a gender audit exercise is carried out by experts at the organisational level.

In Xuanwei County, China, unvented indoor coal burning is strongly associated with increased risk of lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. However, the impact of coal burning and stove improvement on risk of pneumonia is not clear. The researchers conducted a retrospective cohort study among all farmers born 1917 through 1951 and living in Xuanwei as of 1 January 1976.

This UN report adopts the concept of "harmonious cities" as a theoretical framework in order to understand today

Historically, technology development for rural areas has followed tinkering approach or use of rudimentary technology. It is shown that very sophisticated science and technology is needed for producing devices for rural applications. This process can also result in fundamental research.

This report presents data on both level of consumption

A SANDEE report from Nepal looks at an environmental and social problem that has long plagued rural communities in the country
