The Narendra Modi government’s decision to disallow field trials of 15 varieties of genetically modified (GM) crops came on top of several state governments virtually thwarting such trials of 45 GM

The disease in maize crop in Ghamake village in Pawannagar VDC of western Dang has destroyed maize crop worth over Rs. 20 million.

Climate change could pose an even greater threat to global food production than previously thought, according to new research.

Genetically modified corn seeds are no longer protecting Brazilian farmers from voracious tropical bugs, increasing costs as producers turn to pesticides, a farm group said on Monday.

The state government has launched its much-touted crop diversification plan by reviving maize cultivation on a massive scale.

Ozone pollution, which worsens breathing problems and causes air quality warnings, may compound global warming's damage to the world's food crops, according to a new study.

Future food production is highly vulnerable to both climate change and air pollution with implications for global food security. Climate change adaptation and ozone regulation have been identified as important strategies to safeguard food production5,6, but little is known about how climate and ozone pollution interact to affect agriculture, nor the relative e

The world faces a small but substantially increased risk over the next two decades of a major slowdown in the growth of global crop yields because of climate change, finds this new research by Stanford professor David Lobell and Claudia Tebaldi from the National Center for Atmospheric Research

The FAO Food Price Index was down for a third consecutive month in June, a decline mostly influenced by lower wheat, maize and palm oil prices that reflected ample supplies and improved global production prospects for these commodities.

This article published in the Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge documents the indigenous practices used by soybean farmers of Chindwara district, Madhya Pradesh, India.
