Many people living in poor communities in Ethiopia, Andhra Pradesh (India), Peru and Vietnam experience climatic shocks such as droughts and floods, and many face episodes of food insecurity.

The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) has published a report and illustrated guide demonstrating how tackling climate change can also help address some of the economic and social challenges facing the UK.

The UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) has produced a composite map of the marine and terrestrial ecosystem assets of the world.

While China and India are responsible for the biggest growth in carbon emissions, China is now the largest global investor in renewable energy and India saw the highest growth rate in recent times between 2010 and 2011. This paper looks at what the primary drivers of investment in wind and solar energy in India and China are.

This paper aims to provide a review of the organisations and governments involved in supporting other countries to reform their fossil fuel subsidies and the approaches being undertaken.

How are rapid recent food price changes linked to climate and environmental change? How do people who are vulnerable to these changes view these links?

The 2014 edition of the PPEO looks back at three years of analysis and innovative approaches to defining energy access and addressing energy poverty as presented in previous PPEOs, to re-emphasise the key enabling role that energy plays in lifting people out of poverty, and the logic of and necessity to focus on efforts to boost the nascent dece

It is widely acknowledged that introducing a price on carbon represents a crucial precondition for filling the current gap in low-carbon investment. However, as this paper argues, carbon pricing in itself may not be sufficient. This is due to the

For the food and beverage industry, climate change is a major threat. For millions of people, it means more extreme weather and greater hunger. The Big 10 companies are significant contributors to this crisis, yet they are not doing nearly enough to help tackle it.

The emerging markets of India, Brazil, and China in particular, have been the story of the century so far, with rapid economic development driving poverty reduction and rising prosperity on an unprecedented scale. Meanwhile, having recovered from a profound financial crisis, most of the developed world is starting to return to solid growth.
