By 2030, the German government aims to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the buildings sector by two-thirds relative to 1990 levels. The heating sector will be an important part of this goal; in German residences, about 60% of final energy demand goes to space heating, and two-thirds of space heating is met with fossil fuels.

In an effort to address critical air pollution problems and reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, India has implemented policies promoting the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) and the decarbonization of the power sector.

The European Commission is currently developing the requirements for the upcoming Euro VII standards. This paper assesses the total manufacturing costs of the emissions control systems—including both engine and aftertreatment technologies—that will likely be required to meet these limits.

European Union (EU) policymakers are developing a mandate that would require jet fuel providers to blend an increasing share of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) into their fuel supply at EU airports starting in 2025.

There is growing interest, especially in Latin America, in implementing and expanding voluntary green freight programs that include eco-driving as a key component.

This is the second part of ICCT’s comprehensive survey of motor gasoline and automotive diesel fuel quality across India. The first part presented analysis of samples collected in December 2019 and January 2020, while the Bharat Stage (BS) IV standards were still in effect for much of the country.

This study analyzes policies that California, the United States, and Canada have enacted to promote reduced GHG emissions from heavy-duty trucks, how these policies have impacted technology deployment, and lessons that Canada can take as it evaluates policy options to accelerate the deployment of fuel- and GHG-reduction technologies in its truck

The pace of vehicle electrification in China and globally hinges on how quickly electric vehicle costs decline.

Because of its abundant biofuel feedstocks, Indonesia has the potential to produce biofuels via a number of pathways, including using different technologies and feedstocks to create different fuels.

New fuel consumption limits for passenger vehicles are scheduled to take effect in India in FY 2022–23, and this paper examines the performance of manufacturer groups with respect to new passenger vehicles sold in FY 2019–20.
