Rising carbon dioxide emissions will cause a global average temperature rise of 2 degrees Celsius by 2052 and a 2.8 degree rise by 2080, as governments and markets are unlikely to do enough against

EU nations have yet to come up with a plan on how to fill a multi-billion euro fund to help tackle climate change, even as the region's executive body hosts talks with countries likely to bear the

Some of the main proposals in a draft text for negotiation at a U.N.

This report attempts to highlight the risks facing coastal communities that inhabit Jiwani (Gwader District of Balochistan), and Kharo Chan and Keti Bunder (Thatta District of Sindh). The CVA intends to showcase the key threats facing the Indus Delta.

By 2025, coastal areas of Pakistan and neighbouring regions have climate resilient ecosystems to support the livelihood/lives of coastal communities.

This thematic brief is part of a four-part series by the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) which highlights lessons learned from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) special report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (known as SREX).

Extreme hot weather conditions have been associated with increased morbidity and mortality, but risks are not evenly distributed throughout the population. Previously, a heat vulnerability index (HVI) was created to geographically locate populations with increased vulnerability to heat in metropolitan areas throughout the United States. The authors sought to determine whether areas with higher heat vulnerability, as characterized by the HVI, experienced higher rates of morbidity and mortality on abnormally hot days.

This paper raises the importance for the international community to understand and reduce loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, including impacts related to extreme weather events and slow onset events, in response to the increase in weather-related disasters.

This "child-friendly" climate change report considers the vital role children play in community disaster risk reduction activities in Asia.

New research suggests that global warming is causing the cycle of evaporation and rainfall over the oceans to intensify more than scientists had expected, an ominous finding that may indicate a hig
