The concept of resilience is gaining traction in the development field. As a framework, resilience presents a systems-oriented way of coping with shocks, which disproportionately affect the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people.

This second edition of The role of mining in national economies provides an update on the contribution of mining activities in each of the world's 214 national economies.

This technical paper provides background information on the second review of the Adaptation Fund based on the terms of reference for the second review as annexed to decision 2/CMP.9, taking into account the deliberations and conclusions of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation at its fortieth session.

This is the nineteenth global report on tuberculosis (TB) published by WHO in a series that started in 1997.

By 2020 India could have 56 GW of wind power supplying 137 terrawatt hours (TW h) of electricity each year, save 82 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissionseach year according to “Global Wind Energy Outlook for 2014” published by Global Wind Energy Council and Greenpeace International. The sector could also provide employment to over 123,000 people says the report.

The SDG development process has been extensive and inclusive in its attempt to establish consensus among countries and other stakeholders on universal goals and targets. While the global SDGs will be finalized over the coming year, the shape of them is emerging and it is possible to envisage key elements of the water-related SDGs.

This 4th edition of the GGEI is an in-depth look at how 60 countries perform in the global green economy, as well as how expert practitioners rank this performance.

Weather and Climate – Understanding Risks and Preparing for variability and extremes” is the theme of WMO’s latest Bulletin. Articles include:

Climate change is already making people hungry, and the use of fossil fuels is largely to blame, representing the single biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions globally. On current trends, the world will be 4–6ºC hotter by the end of the century, exceeding 2ºC within the lifetimes of most people reading this report.

Cash transfers – direct cash payments to individuals and 
households, often targeting the poor and vulnerable – have increasingly become a cornerstone of many low- and middle-income countries’ social protection strategies.
