This document is designed to inform decision makers about additional opportunities to slow the observed rate of climate change and at the same time achieve air quality benefits over the next two to four decades. This can be realised by implementing measures to reduce atmospheric levels of methane, black carbon and tropospheric ozone, as well as many hydrofluorocarbons.

There's radical change happening in the forest, paper & packaging (FPP) industry. We believe several key factors will shape the sector's direction over the next two decades, including technology, fibre competition, changing industry structures (and new players/partners) and regulation.

An exploratory study on outsourcing of clinical trials by pharmaceutical companies to contract research organisations in nontraditional
trial regions.

This report analyses major new developments regarding genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in various regions around the world, including new evidence and testimony from Friends of the Earth International’s member groups.

Devastating floods in Australia

The ‘Cancun Agreements’ were the principal outputs from the 16th annual UN climate
conference (COP16) held in Cancun, Mexico from Nov. 29 to Dec. 10, 2010. The
Agreements consist of two formal conference decisions, which anchor progress made
in the twin-track Convention and Protocol negotiations over the last two to three years.

This new study produced through a collaboration between World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and Ecofys outlines how all the world's energy can be provided cleanly, renewably and economically by 2050.

The Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI) in partnership with the International Energy Agency (IEA) has released a report authored by George Eads titled "50by50 Prospects and Progress." The report discusses fuel efficiency trends and feasibility of new technologies, and concludes that emissions can be halved in new automobiles by 2030 and in all automobiles by 2050, estimating that gl

This new book by Sustainable Sanitation Alliance focuses on sustainable sanitation systems in cities and shows how this can be achieved within the constraints and complexities of the urban environment.

This paper attempts a comprehensive accounting of climate change vulnerability for 233 states, ranging in size from China to Tokelau. Using the most recent evidence, it develops risk indicators for three critical problems: increasing weather-related disasters, sea-level rise, and loss of agricultural productivity.
