Globally, the estimates suggest that there are 170 new cases of traffic pollution-related asthma per 100,000 children every year, and 13% of childhood asthma cases diagnosed each year are linked to traffic pollution. The country with the highest proportion of traffic pollution-attributable childhood asthma incidence was South Korea (31%), the UK ranked 24th out of 194 countries, the US 25th, China 19th, and India 58th.

A few years ago, the Peruvian government launched a program to protect the rainforest.

A study led by researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder) and published in the journal Nature Climate Change last month explored whether or not gender quotas for local gover

This Gender Analysis and Gender Action Plan for UNDP Montreal Protocol projects in China, Nigeria and Peru was developed in October 2018 to support the ozone programme and projects in countries at the national and regional levels.

This handbook provides practical guidance for planning and implementing community-led ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) in three vulnerable ecosystems: mountains, drylands and coastal areas. It is intended for project managers, practitioners and technical specialists.

International development finance institutions (DFIs) invested heavily in large-scale infrastructure projects that triggered significant deforestation in the Andes Amazon especially within the

Rural and indigenous communities worldwide must wade through decades of red tape to secure property rights while companies can win those rights within weeks, putting local people at grave risk of l

The government of new Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra said on Wednesday it would not “impose” mining projects on nearby communities that object to them, but would seek to promote mining investme

Yaguas National Park is home to more than 3,000 species of plants, 500 species of birds and 160 species of mammals Andes Amazon Fund

Roads spread destruction and deforestation in the Amazon, now Peru, driven by neoliberal imperatives, plans a highway for one of the regions most sensitive forests
