Diabetes has become one of the leading public health issues in the country. The Government of India has a strong commitment to tackle this challenge

Report from UNEP-Frankfurt School examines in detail how investment flows into renewables are evolving around the world, and the reasons for those changes. Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2013 is the sixth edition of the UNEP report.

Monsanto, with an annual turnover of around 13.5 billion US dollars last year, is the largest seed company in the world. Based out of St. Luis in the USA, it also leads the Genetically Modified seed sector globally.

The meeting of the Programme Approval Board Mid-Day Meal to consider the Annual Work Plan & Budget 2013-14 in respect of state of Bihar was held on 23.04.2013 at New Delhi.

This new IEA report maps out the out the current status and expectations of global climate and energy policy - what is happening and what (more) is needed?

Integrating Disaster Risk Management into Climate Change Adaptation promotes the adoption of a risk management approach to climate-sensitive decision-making and serves as a reference to integrate DRM with climate change adaptation (CCA). It guides the reader on how to contribute to CCA by improving the management of climate extremes.

CSE in collaboration with TVE Asia Pacific (TVEAP) organised a three day South Asian workshop on "New Media for Strategic Communication in Development” from from 5 to 7 June 2013, at Colombo, Sri Lanka.

This draft smart grid roadmap for India prepared by the the India Smart Grid Task Force & India Smart Grid Forum, lays the foundations for building smart grids in India.

Global agricultural production is expected to grow 1.5% a year on average over the coming decade, compared with annual growth of 2.1% between 2003 and 2012, according to a new report published by the OECD and FAO.

The annual cost of environmental degradation in India amounts to about Rs. 3.75 trillion equivalent to 5.7% of GDP says this new World Bank report. But there are low-cost options to significantly bring down the environmental damage without compromising long-term growth objectives.
