Presentation by Dr. Carlos Dora of World Health Organization at the Anil Agarwal Dialogue 2015: Poor in climate change, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, March 11 – 12, 2015.

Presentation by Kirk R. Smith, University of California-Berkeley and Nicholas Lam, University of Illinois-Urbana at the Anil Agarwal Dialogue 2015: Poor in climate change, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, March 11 – 12, 2015.

Presentation by Dr. Mukesh Sharma & Umed Paliwal of Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur at Anil Agarwal Dialogue 2015: Poor in climate change, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, March 11 – 12, 2015.

Presentation by Kirk R. Smith, Professor of Global Environmental Health University of California, Berkeley at Anil Agarwal Dialogue 2015: Poor in climate change, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, March 11 – 12, 2015.

The NSS consumer expenditure survey aims at generating estimates of average household monthly per capita consumer expenditure (MPCE), the distribution of households and persons over the MPCE range, and the break-up of average MPCE by commodity group, separately for the rural and urban sectors of the country, for States and Union Territories, and

CEEW's latest study 'Clean, Affordable and Sustainable Cooking Energy for India: Possibilities and Realities beyond LPG' analyses potential alternate cooking options, going beyond LPG.

This index report ranks countries based on their economic output per unit of energy consumed. Commissioned by Philips, the energy productivity index was authored by The Lisbon Council, Ecofys and Quintel Intelligence.

The white marble domes of the Taj Mahal are iconic images of India that attract millions of visitors every year. Over the past several decades the outer marble surfaces of the Taj Mahal have begun to discolor with time and must be painstakingly cleaned every several years. Although it has been generally believed that the discoloration is in some way linked with poor air quality in the Agra region, the specific components of air pollution responsible have yet to be identified.

Almost 3 billion people, in low- and middle-income countries mostly, still rely on solid fuels (wood, animal dung, charcoal, crop wastes and coal) burned in inefficient and highly polluting stoves for cooking and heating.

India has witnessed a considerable increase in domestic consumption of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) over the years and the phenomenal rise in the number of LPG connections in the country is testimony to it. However, only 28.5% of households reported LPG as their primary fuel for cooking, during Census 2010-11.
