Power distribution reforms must be a top priority for India to ensure electricity access to all by 2019, says this comprehensive review of the Indian power sector conducted by World Bank.

E-waste management is one of the most critical waste issues affecting our environment. Globally around 50 million tons of e-waste is generated annually. In India, the current estimate projects 2.7 million tons of e-waste generation annually.

This edition of the World Investment Report provides valuable analysis that can inform global discussions on how to accelerate progress toward the Millennium Development Goals and shape a long-range vision for a more sustainable future beyond 2015.

According to this new report released by Environmental Working Group (EWG), half of American kids age eight and younger consume potentially harmful amounts of vitamin A, zinc and niacin because of excessive food fortification, outdated nutritional labeling rules and misleading marketing tactics used by food manufacturers. Read full text.

This report focuses on the consequences of environmental crime. It argues that the situation has worsened to the extent that illegal trade in wildlife’s impacts are now acknowledged to go well beyond strictly environmental impacts – by seriously undermining economies and livelihoods, good governance, and the rule of law.

The U.S. economy faces significant risks from unmitigated climate change. The Risky Business report presents a new approach to understanding these risks for key U.S. business sectors, and provides business leaders with a framework for measuring and mitigating their own exposure to climate risk.

The objective of this report is to help companies manage the opportunities and risks associated with plastic use. It articulates the business case for companies to improve their measurement, disclosure and management of plastic use in their designs, operations and supply chains.

Government policies that improve energy efficiency, waste management and public transport could increase global economic output by more than $1.8 trillion per year says this new report released by World Bank & ClimateWorks Foundation in advance of the U.N. Secretary General's Climate Summit in September 2014.

This 2014 edition of the State of World’s Forests report 2014 launched by FAO focuses on the role of socio-economic benefits provided by forests, including income and employment, wood energy and forest products in housing. It also focuses on the need to shift attention from trees to people, both for data collection and policy making.

The weekly digest of important reports, research, policy documents, regulations, studies, court cases, protests, conflicts, initiatives, photos, data, statistics, infographics, presentations on the India Environment Portal, 14 - 21 June 2014.
