Disputes over intellectual property rights can delay the spread of clean technologies to the developing world, but they are not wholly to blame.

The UN food agency on Tuesday warned the world risked a surge in bird flu outbreaks unless countries strengthen their monitoring against dangerous animal diseases despite economic hardship, reports

Nigeria will release funds this week to tackle the world's worst lead poisoning outbreak which has killed at least 400 children, a senator said on Monday, ending months of official inaction in whic

Nigeria and Ghana have recently introduced a National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) with the aim of moving towards universal health care using more equitable financing mechanisms. This study compares health and economic indicators, describes the structure of each country’s NHIS within the wider healthcare system, and analyses impacts on equity in financing and access to health care.

Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has contributed the least of any world region to the global accumulation of greenhouse gas emissions; however, this region will probably be more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change than any other. Less than 7% of the world's total emissions of greenhouse gases emanate from the African continent; thus the continent contributes very little overall to climate change.

A new task force to focus on the impact of energy on security and to examine ways of preventing energy-related conflict has been launched by the International Peace Institute (IPI).

Three developing countries have recently toughened hunting regulations believing the changes will better protect vanishing species.

Proxy indicators of relative moisture balance, in combination with long control simulations from coupled climate models, show that the Indian Ocean drives multidecadal hydroclimate variability by altering the local Walker circulation, whereas the influence of the Pacific Ocean is minimal on these timescales.

Critics say that antibody therapy is too expensive for its African target population.
