This publication presents the outcomes of initiatives promoting climate-smart agricultural practices and technologies in Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Nepal.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Jai Gopal Dhiman Vs Department of Agriculture & Farmer Welfare, Govt. of Punjab & Others dated 04/07/2019 regarding preponing of date of transplantation of paddy crop from 20th June, 2019 to 13th June, 2019 in the State of Punjab will lead to further depletion of ground water level and not conducive to the environment. The applicant has relied upon a report prepared by the Department of Water Resources and Central Ground Water Authority to the effect that 79% area of State of Punjab is over-exploited in respect of ground water.

We use 2010–2015 observations of atmospheric methane columns from the GOSAT satellite instrument in a global inverse analysis to improve estimates of methane emissions and their trends over the period, as well as the global concentration of tropospheric OH (the hydroxyl radical, methane's main sink) and its trend. Our inversion s

Crop yields are projected to decrease under future climate conditions, and recent research suggests that yields have already been impacted. However, current impacts on a diversity of crops subnationally and implications for food security remains unclear. Here, we constructed linear regression relationships using weather and reported crop data to assess the potential impact of observed climate change on the yields of the top ten global crops–barley, cassava, maize, oil palm, rapeseed, rice, sorghum, soybean, sugarcane and wheat at ~20,000 political units.

Rice is one of the major crops in both Telugu states and its loss affects farmers and the population at large.

Rice production is integral to agriculture and food security in Vietnam, but it also contributes greenhouse gas emissions. In 2010, paddy rice production emitted 44.61 million tons carbon dioxide equivalents (MtCO2e), 18% of total national GHG emissions.

Mapping and monitoring of paddy cultivation areas is essential for making effective targeting strategies for the spread of new technologies, sustainable crop management and diversification options

Boko: More than 3,000 bighas of paddy land and eight villages were affected by flash flood due to the two-day long heavy rainfall induced by cyclone Fani in Boko constituency.

Climate extremes, such as droughts or heat waves, can lead to harvest failures and threaten the livelihoods of agricultural producers and the food security of communities worldwide. Improving our understanding of their impacts on crop yields is crucial to enhance the resilience of the global food system.

Shinyanga — Farmers benefit from a modern paddy seed variety as productivity has risen.
