Latest News from Down To Earth

Displaced for nothing

First Asiatic lion, then cheetah: officials struggle to decide which animal to introduce, and when, in Kuno-Palpur sanctuary. But they evict tribal residents with poor compensation.

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Tiger reserved

Tiger tourism booms without proper regulation; new guidelines attempt to contain damage.

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Government Policies and Action Plans

Comprehensive guidelines for tiger conservation and tourism as provided under section 38O (1) (c) of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972

National Tourism Conservation Authority (NTCA) notified these guidelines on 15 Oct 2012, under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 for tourism in and around tiger reserves.

Guidelines for human-leopard conflict management

sheeja's picture

This booklet, the first of its kind from the Ministry of Environment and Forests, is a result of the consultations with, and the suggestions from, a wide range of individuals and organizations involved in the subject, besides drawing upon reports and scientific studies available
on human-leopard conflict. Knowing full well that such conflicts are

People - Animal Conflicts

The last call to save Indian Bustard in Kutch, Gujarat, India

This report published by The Corbett Foundation identifies the current threats to Great Indian Bustards in Kutch and recommends measures for their long term survival.

Polluting units shut in Kaziranga


The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has ordered about 70 industrial units operating inside the “no-development zone” near Kaziranga National Park in Assam to shut down. It has also imposed a penalty of Rs 1 lakh each on the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) and the state for allowing the units to operate in the restricted zone.

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Coexistence Strategies

Private-community partnerships: Investigating a new approach to conservation and development in Uganda

Nature-based tourism is well recognised as a tool that can be used for neoliberal conservation. Proponents argue that such tourism can provide revenue for conservation activities, and income generating opportunities and other benefits for local people living at the destination. Private-Community Partnerships (PCPs) are a particular form of hybrid intervention in which local benefits are claimed to be guaranteed through shared ownership of the tourism venture. In this paper, we evaluate one such partnership involving a high-end tourist eco-lodge at Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda.

Hope for resurrecting a functionally extinct parrot or squandered social capital? Landholder attitudes towards the orange-bellied parrot (Neophema chrysogaster) in Victoria, Australia

In early 2010, after 27 years of recovery effort, the orange-bellied parrot (OBP; Neophema chrysogaster) was expected to be extinct in the wild within a few years. Shortly before the imminent wild extinction became evident, we surveyed landholders (114 responses of 783 surveys delivered) in part of the main non-breeding area, according to three classes of modelled habitat suitability ('high', 'medium', and 'low').

Wildlife Trade

The disappearing act: the illicit trade in wildlife in Asia

Southeast Asia, with its linkages into the larger Asian market that includes China, Indonesia, and India, is one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots as well as one of the world’s hotspots for the illegal trade in wildlife and wildlife parts.

An assessment of trade in gibbons and orang-utans in Sumatra, Indonesia

This report presents an assessment of the trade in gibbons and orang-utans in Sumatra, Indonesia, including the islands off Sumatra’s west coast (most notably, the Mentawai Islands). Until recently Sumatra and its off-lying islands harboured one of the largest expanses of lowland evergreen rainforest in Southeast Asia.

Protected Area Conservation

Critically endangered animal species of India

India has a staggering variety of flora and fauna, including some of the rarest species in existence on the planet. There is so far a paucity of information for the general public on the status, biology, and major threats to the endangered species of our country.


The way of the tiger: natural history and conservation of the endangered big cat

"The way of the Tiger" is an outstanding primer; it is a scientist's explanation - to a popular audience - of the natural history and conservation of one of the planet's most charismatic animals.

Concepts in wildlife management

This book is first of its kind to embody subjects like wildlife conservation and management, ethical, ecological and recreational importance of wildlife, endangered flora and fauna of India

Enviornment Education