President Obama's grand climate plan doesn't add up

Latest News from Down To Earth

Sunshine sector loses sheen

About 40 kilometres from Delhi, in the bustling real estate market of Noida-Greater Noida, lies the biggest irony that the renewable energy industry faces. Indosolar, the country’s largest manufacturer of solar photovoltaic cells, has set up a 400 megawatt unit. Its entrance is slick and ultra-modern, typifying the product it manufactures. Stepping into the 28,000 square metre production unit, one is struck by the shimmering clean, futuristic and sleek production line, symbolic of the clean future that solar power promises.

Future compromised

The Earth Summit was a historical opportunity to set the world on the correct development trajectory. Negotiators from 191 countries came together to chart a road map for sustainable development and poverty eradication. The theme was green economy. But developed and developing countries refused to bury their differences. Developed countries were not ready to let go of their extravagant lifestyle, while developing countries were expected to take on green commitments. The countries could not even reach a consensus on the definition of green economy.


Climate change can no longer be ignored : Modify lifestyles for sharing responsibility and prosperity

msanwal's picture

The theme of this years’ World Environment Day is lifestyles and an opportunity to reflect on the central issue of global environmentalism - how a continually growing economic system can fit within a finite ecological system.

US, equity and the elephants in the room

sunita's picture

Indian top negotiator, R R Rashmi said yesterday at a side event we had organized on equity in climate negotiations that they could not use the word ‘equity’ in the final Durban Platform document because of the aversion to that word of a particular country. He said that they had to instead use the phrase, ‘under the convention’ meaning that future actions would be determined by the principles of the climate convention, which were based on equitably sharing of the world’s atmospheric space.


The Durban platform negotiations: goals and options

In December 2011, parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) adopted the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action, which launched a new round of negotiations aimed at developing “a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force” for the post-2020 period.


Environmental sustainability index 2011 for Indian states

According to this recent comparative analysis of the environmental achievements, challenges and priorities of Indian states, north-eastern states are most-sustainable and the least sustainable states are Bihar, Haryana, Gujarat, Punjab, Rajasthan & Uttar Pradesh.

Guidelines for the use of REDD+ Social & Environmental Standards at country level

Recognizing growing awareness at both international and national levels of the need for effective social and environmental safeguards, the REDD+ Social & Environmental Standards initiative aims to define and build support for a higher level of social and environmental performance from REDD+ programs.


Integration of climate adaptation into development and conservation planning in Bhutan: issue identification and recommendations

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During the last three years, the Regional Climate Change Adaptation Knowledge Platform (AKP) has worked towards building bridges between existing knowledge on adaptation to climate change and the governments, agencies and communities that need this knowledge to inform their adaptation to the impacts of climate change, while working to reduce poverty and sustain the environment.


A Book of Activities for Environmental Education: Climate Change & Natural Resources

This is CSE's latest book on Climate Change for educating school children. CSE's Environment Education Unit has always been working towards providing easy-to-understand reading material. Our new publication on this subject is an attempt to lend teachers a helping hand. It unfolds in two sections: Climate Change: how to make sense of it all, & Natural Resources: how to share and care. Here, the key issues selected adhere strictly to curriculum guidelines. However, they are introduced to students not as a paragraph to memorise, but as an activity to do.

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Challenge of the new balance

The new CSE study of the six most emissions intensive sectors to determine India