Since the climate negotiations that took place in Copenhagen, in 2009, many countries have submitted quantitative economy-wide greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, proposals, and actions for 2020.

This paper tries to break down the complicated journey of how climate displacement and migration have been handled in legal and normative frameworks, primarily looking at how the issue has been addressed within the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Note on dieselization of cars and action plan: a brief summary of Supreme Court directives on toxicity of diesel and growing scientific evidence on health impacts of this fuel.

This paper explores the possibility of linkages between the PAT scheme and the bilateral carbon offset mechanism proposed by the Government of Japan. It is well established that linking a domestic program with any international

United Nations Climate Change Secretariat has analysed aspects of CDM project activities and reported on the levels and types of benefits the CDM has provided.

This paper examines the development of the solar PV and wind industries across China, Germany, India, Japan, and the United States from 2001–2011.

The FAO has released a report titled "Assessing poverty reduction potential through investments in agricultural water management: a methodology for country level analysis." The report presents a methodology to analyze the opportunities, constraints and potential of small-scale Agricultural Water Management (AWM) interventions at pilot research

This publication aims to present a step-by-step methodological approach to assist project teams assess and incorporate climate change adaptation measures into investment projects in agriculture, rural development, and food security.

In the 14 years since the first Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study was completed in 1998, the region has experienced tremendous change in nearly every aspect. These changes have been particularly profound in the forestry sector, especially in the context of increasing demands and expectations of society on forests and forestry.

Over 5 lakh vehicles were registered in Delhi in 2011-12, reveals this 37th issue of Delhi Statistical Handbook brought out by Directorate of Economics and Statistics containing data related to various socio-economic parameters on the capital city
