In 2004, several hundred Kenyans became severely ill, and 125 died, of acute aflatoxicosis: a disease of liver failure associated with consuming extremely high levels of aflatoxin in food (Lewis et al. 2005; Strosnider et al. 2006). Since then, over the last six years, greater global public attention has been drawn to aflatoxin and its associated health risk.

he American Lung Association released its annual report on air quality, State of the Air 2011, which includes lists of the nation’s most polluted metropolitan areas.

For the first time, Europe’s 300 biggest companies are being ranked according to their Greenhouse Gas emissions. The ET Europe 300 Carbon Ranking highlights the best and the worst of the continent’s top businesses, focusing not just on emissions but also on levels of disclosure and verification.

Over the next few decades, the UK faces a unique investment challenge. The key to hitting our stretching legal emissions targets will be our ability to generate the large and sustained investment needed to replace and decarbonise our energy infrastructure. As a global frontrunner on climate change policy, the UK government must show leadership and ingenuity in making this investment happen.

The chemical industry produces over 100,000 chemicals which have improved the quality of our lives. These chemicals are being produced for purposes ranging from fulfilling domestic and industrial needs, boosting agriculture, making our clothing fire resistant and producing components for our mobile phones or other electronic devices. Every day new chemicals are formulated and produced.

The Global Status Report on Noncommunicable Diseases 2010 is the first report on the worldwide epidemic of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases, along with their risk factors and determinants.

Sustained economic growth can contribute significantly to poverty reduc-
tion, as evidenced by marked declines in poverty incidence for economies
that have enjoyed long periods of economic growth. But a financial crisis
could disrupt growth and frustrate such development. While crisis-hit

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) has opened for comment the Zero Draft of the "Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and Other Natural Resources." The Zero Draft addresses issues including: guiding objectives and principles of responsible tenure governance; policy, legal and organizational frameworks; legal recognition and allocatio

Developed countries have pledged billions of dollars a year to help poor nations adapt to climate change. But how should the money be spent? For the world’s poor, who are both the most vulnerable to climate change and the most in need of social protection, the best answer may be cash transfer programmes.

India Corruption Study (ICS) 2010 is the seventh edition of studies undertaken by CMS since 2000 and fourth in the last five years. The purpose of this and earlier rounds has been to provide a reliable tool for improving governance.
